Yoga and meditation have been proven to be effective in improving or preventing the four main causes of short-term absences from work identified in the 2023 statistics: minor illnesses, musculoskeletal injuries, stress, and mental health issues. This page includes links to articles and empirical studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of yoga.
Research shows that yoga can improve immune system function directly at a cellular level and also indirectly through stress reduction:
USA National Journal Of Medicine Study: Yoga’s impact on cellular immunity in examination stress
Science Direct: Systematic Review of radomised trials on yoga and immune function
We don’t just have to go by our Student Testimonials to know that yoga is effective for back issues. Multiple studies confirm that yoga is effective in reducing pain and improving mobility for individuals with lower back problems.
USA National Library Of Medicine: Yoga To Treat Lower Back Pain, Review of Recent Research 2021
Psychology Today Article: How Yoga Reduces Stress
Harvard Medical School Publishing: Yoga For Better Mental Health
Many studies have also found yoga to be effective for treating depression, panic attacks, anxiety and PTSD, panic attacks, anxiety and PTSD.
Journal Of Evidence Based Complimentary & Alternative Medicine: Yoga For Treating Depression
” Physical activity is 1.5 times more effective at reducing mild-to-moderate symptoms of depression, psychological stress, and anxiety than medication or cognitive behavior therapy, according to Dr. Ben Singh, lead author of a recent study in the British Journey of Sports Medicine.” – Medical News Today.