“I’ve just completed six months of Bikram Yoga and can honestly say I’ve never been happier or felt better in my life. I had a spinal fusion in 1993. My chronic pain started in 2005 when I had my son and in the last few years it’s become unbearable. Due to my spine being fused, I now have sacroiliac joint dysfunction on both sides, one side is fused with pins. I also have spondylolisthesis and arthritis in my spine, it is sore to stand up or sit down for too long!
Bikram yoga has been my lifeline. It’s hard to explain the feeling unless you have been but I leave feeling amazing and in less pain than I was in when I arrived. I take less pain relief in the days after a class. Bikram is my pain relief! I absolutely love it. It’s had a massive impact in my life, physically and mentally.”